Brittany Gonzalez

Brittany Gonzalez

The hilarious Brittany Gonzalez is like that best friend that will have you in the know about everything pop culture, fashion, music, nightlife,...Biografía completa


Dating Expert Says Never Do A First Date On A Friday Or Saturday Night

Foto: Canva

According to a dating expert from "Match," Hayley Quinn says, "aim for a Wednesday or Thursday evening, or a Sunday brunch. Friday or Saturday nights are likely to be saved for socializing with friends and not seen as worth spending on a first date. Mondays and Tuesdays are also out, as people usually won’t want a late night or to get out of their routine too early in the week."

I never thought about how it makes a difference on the entire date depending on the day! Other people chimed in and said Wednesday was good for them, and the answers all varied, but some agreed that doing a first date on Friday or Saturday could lead to expectations after. Unless you're in for that! Lol

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