Girl Scout cookie season is upon us!
You can start buying your favorite sweet treats like Thin Mints and Samoas as soon as Saturday (February 11) in parts of the Lone Star State, Chron reports. While it's an exciting time of the year for Girl Scouts and anybody with a sweet tooth and a couple of bucks in their pocket, there are some things you might not know!
For starters, did you know Girl Scout cookies tend to be cheaper in Texas? Around the country, a box is typically $6. But in the Lone Star State, you can snag a box of Tagalongs or your favorite flavor for just $5. Why? Every Girl Scout council chooses their own prices.
Did you also know that the cookie flavors rotate from year to year? While there are three set flavors required on every "menu" — Thin Mints, Trefoils and Do-si-dos — the rest could change over time. This year, here's a look at the 13 Girl Scout cookie flavors available:
- Raspberry Rally
- Adventurefuls
- Caramel Chocolate Chip
- Samoas/Caramel deLites
- Do-si-dos/Peanut Butter Sandwich
- Girl Scout S'mores
- Lemonades
- Lemon-Ups
- Tagalongs/Peanut Butter Patties
- Thin Mints
- Toast-Yay!
- Toffee-tastic
- Trefoils
The Raspberry Rallys are new, but are only available online for direct shipment. These are thin, crispy cookies infused with raspberry flavor and dipped in chocolaty coating.
If you're having trouble finding any Girl Scouts selling cookies in your neighborhood, you can order some online or use the Girl Scouts' website to find a location near you.