
Travis Scott Pledges To Pay A Semester's Tuition For 5 HBCU Students

Travis Scott is paying a semester's tuition for five students attending historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs).

On Wednesday (October 7), the "TKN" rapper spontaneously pledged to cover the students' tuition on Twitter after fans sent him a string of tweets asking him to help them replace their lost Airpods, a Playstation 5, and even a hoodie a fan lost at one of Travis' concerts.

"AND I KNOW SCHOOL JUST STARTED AND I WANNA TAKE CARE OF 5 KIDS TUITION FOR THERE FIRST SEMESTER OF SCHOOL !!! WHY NOT!!!!!" Travis tweeted in response to the requests before following up with a tweet clarifying that his offer was specifically for students who attend an HBCU.

The 28-year-old rapper went on to share that both of his parents attended HBCUs, with his mother going to Louisiana's Grambling State University and his father going to Prairie View A&M in Texas.

It didn't take long before his mentions were flooded with students repping their HBCUs and sending their proof of attendance. A young man named Nasire Branch was the first student to get a response from Travis after he shared that he was recently accepted to Morehouse College. "My mom always wanted me to go here.!!!! So I got u bro," Travis replied. "Just lock in and come out of there ready to change the world."

The second student who Travis pledged to cover their tuition was Taylor Ivy, a freshman marketing student at Howard University. "Say lesss Taylorrrr !!!!!!!" he responded to her tweet.

See all of Travis' tweets below.

Photo: Getty Images

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